The Rhonda Grant Show: Theresa Rose, Mindful Performance Thought Leader

I had a wonderful time speaking with Rhonda Grant. Here are a few highlights from the interview.

Listen in to this magnificent entrepreneur who has been honing her craft to inspire her clients to excellence. Theresa Rose is a content crystallizer, strategic co-creator, and Mindful Performance thought leader who expertly and passionately helps others clarify, amplify, and monetize their Brilliance. #rhondagrantauthor #magicalforceswithin #extraordinarydiscoveriesinanordinarylife #bestsellingaudiobook #therhondagrantshow #rhondagrant #rhondagrantshow #calling #newthought #gutfeelingsareyourguides #crackingtherichcode #internationalbestseller #cymatrax #alanbrunton #theresarose #crystallizeyourbrilliance #thoughtleadership #strategicmarketing #contentmarketing #mastermindoftwo #mindfulperformance #cocreation #collaboration

Listen to the full interview here.


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